Mink oil can go a long way to protect your shoes. Especially your work shoes and boots.
Work boots tend to get marks and scuffs rather easily as you work.
Mink oil adds a protective coating to protect your leather and suede. What I have found is that the marks and scuffs I get on my boots after I’ve applied mink oil tend to fade away and not stain. The suede also feels a lot more supple and moisturized.
Here’s the one I bought. Simple and fairly priced for a can of mink oil.
Appearance After Applying Mink Oil to Boot
After applying the coat I was aware it my discolor or darken the appearance of my suede boot. I applied a heavy coat of the white, fatty looking substance. I found it did seem to darken the boots a couple shades. Which to me, made them look a little better. If you worried about appearance I would apply light even coats.
Application of Mink Oil
Use a rag and apply the oil evenly on the material. Dip the rag in the oil and smear it on the rag to evenly disperse it, then apply it to the boot. After a few minutes wipe down the boot removing any mink oil that you can.