
Keyboard not typing and only doing shortcuts

I've had this happen on various computers and most of the time it's the same problem... a sticky ctr key. Check that your ctr, alt, command buttons are not accidentally stuck depressed. A stuck ctr key is the most likely issue. It can be very frustrating because you...

The Travel Pillow I Bought After Consulting Reddit

For months now, I had been looking for a good quality travel pillow for myself, one hat would be both comfortable a well as affordable, but practically even kind of pillow that I bought was never good enough and they would all have some sort of flaw in them. So I...

Can You Eat Without a Tongue?

Speaking from books, the tongue is essentially a mass of muscles that are covered by a mucous membrane and is mainly responsible for a taste sensation. Its primary role is in eating; manipulating food into a bolus from where it can be safely passed into the throat...

Kitchen Faucet Flow Rate

What Is the Average Flow Rate of Faucets? The average flow rate of any faucet ranges from about 1.0 gallons per minute to 1.5 gallons per minute. According to the Federal Standards, an average faucet would be mostly likely to reach about 2.2 gallons per minute at 60...
Can You Eat Without a Tongue?

Can You Eat Without a Tongue?

Speaking from books, the tongue is essentially a mass of muscles that are covered by a mucous membrane and is mainly...

Kitchen Faucet Flow Rate

Kitchen Faucet Flow Rate

What Is the Average Flow Rate of Faucets? The average flow rate of any faucet ranges from about 1.0 gallons per minute...

Broccoli Sprouts FAQ

Broccoli Sprouts FAQ

Do broccoli sprouts have choline in them?  Yes, broccoli sprouts do contain choline. Contrary to popular belief,...

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